Evive Smoothie

Have you ever tried Evive smoothie cubes? They are plant-based smoothie cubes that are healthy, and convenient to use. All you have to do is pop the cubes into a bottle, add your fav drink in there, let it melt for 20 min/ or blend if you like, then shake and enjoy!

For those of you who are really health conscious, you’d be happy to know that these smoothie cubes are organic, they are dairy free/ vegan, gluten free and loaded with plant-based proteins.

Just as an FYI, these small, but almighty cubes have three big NOs!

1) No sugar added
2) No GMO and
3) No preservations

Evive smoothie cubes come in a variety of flavours:
Asana, Pure, Touk-touk, Yogi, Samourai, Azteque

I took the Touk-touk (which consists of: blended pineapple, mango, apricot, sea buckthorn berry, coconut turmeric, orange, lemon, plant based protein and vegetables) smoothie cubes and added some to sweetened coconut milk, dropped in a few pieces of custard apples and made myself a tropical dessert. It was refreshing and delicious too, you should try them for yourself!

Custard apple
Coconut milk dessert, made with custard apple,
Touk-touk Evive Smoothie cubes and
a dash of turmeric powder

Evive Smoothie Cubes